
发布时间:2023-10-31 13:26:32

How Many Points are Considered Passing for the CET-4 Exam?


The CET-4 (College English Test-4) is an important English proficiency examination for Chinese college students. The passing score for this exam varies each year, and many students wonder how many points are considered passing. This article aims to analyze the passing score for the CET-4 exam and provide an insight into the factors that influence the score.

Factors Influencing the Passing Score:

1. Test Difficulty:

The difficulty level of the CET-4 exam plays a crucial role in determining the passing score. If the test is more challenging, the passing score may be lower to ensure a reasonable pass rate. Conversely, if the test is relatively easier, the passing score may be higher, indicating a higher level of English proficiency required.

2. Score Distribution:

The score distribution of candidates also affects the passing score. If a large number of test-takers perform exceptionally well, the passing score might be raised to set a higher standard. Conversely, if the overall performance is below average, the passing score could be set lower to avoid disproportionate failure rates.

3. Exam Objectives:

The objectives of the CET-4 exam influence the passing score. Different test versions may have different objectives, such as testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, or writing skills. Depending on the objectives, the passing score may be adjusted to reflect the relative importance of these skills.

4. Test Development Process:

The passing score is determined through rigorous statistical analysis by language testing experts. These experts collect and analyze data from pilot tests and conduct standard-setting exercises to set an appropriate passing score. These exercises use statistical techniques to ensure fairness and consistency in evaluation.

Implications of the Passing Score:

The passing score for the CET-4 exam is not fixed but changes from year to year. In general, to pass the exam, students need to achieve a reasonable level of proficiency in English. However, the specific passing score may vary depending on different factors, as mentioned earlier. Therefore, it is crucial for students to focus on overall language improvement rather than solely aiming for a specific cutoff score.


In conclusion, the passing score for the CET-4 exam is influenced by test difficulty, score distribution, exam objectives, and the test development process. The passing score is subject to change annually to ensure fair evaluation and to reflect the English proficiency level expected from college students. Instead of obsessing over a specific passing score, students should focus on continuous improvement in their English language skills.


