
Foreign Trade English Contract Template
This article provides a comprehensive template for a foreign trade English contract. The contract template is designed to establish a legal agreement between two parties involved in international trade. It includes essential clauses and terms that should be included in a standard contract. The template can be customized to fit specific trade agreements and requirements.
1. Parties to the Contract:
1.1 Seller:
1.1.1 Name:
1.1.2 Address:
1.1.3 Contact Information:
1.2 Buyer:
1.2.1 Name:
1.2.2 Address:
1.2.3 Contact Information:
2. Product Description:
2.1 Product Name:
2.2 Specifications:
2.3 Quantity:
2.4 Unit Price:
2.5 Total Contract Value:
3. Payment Terms:
3.1 Currency:
3.2 Payment Method:
3.3 Payment Schedule:
3.4 Late Payment Clause:
4. Delivery Terms:
4.1 Shipment Port/Location:
4.2 Delivery Date:
4.3 Packaging Requirements:
4.4 Shipping Method:
5. Quality Control:
5.1 Inspection:
5.2 Acceptance Criteria:
5.3 Disputes and Resolution:
6. Force Majeure:
6.1 Definition:
6.2 Consequences:
6.3 Notification:
7. Intellectual Property Rights:
7.1 Ownership:
7.2 Infringement:
8. Confidentiality:
8.1 Non-disclosure:
8.2 Confidential Information:
9. Termination Clause:
9.1 Breach of Contract:
9.2 Notification:
10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
10.1 Jurisdiction:
10.2 Dispute Resolution:
11. Entire Agreement:
11.1 Modifications:
11.2 Amendment and Waiver:
This foreign trade English contract template serves as a foundation for drafting a comprehensive agreement that covers important aspects of international trade. Parties involved can customize the template according to their specific requirements, ensuring a clear understanding of rights, responsibilities, and obligations. It is essential to seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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