
发布时间:2024-03-11 18:35:33




基础表达:“How much does it cost?” 这是最直接且常用的询问价格的方式,相当于中文中的“这多少钱?”。例如,“How much does this bag cost?” 意为“这个包多少钱?”

具体金额表达:当我们知道物品的具体价格时,可以使用 "for + 钱数" 的结构。如,“I bought this watch for five hundred dollars.” 这句话表示“我花五百美元买了这块表”。

询价更精确表达:如果我们想了解一个商品或服务的具体价格范围,可以说 "What's the price range?" 或者 "How much would it cost me...?" 例如,“What's the price range for these laptops?” 表示“这些笔记本电脑的价格区间是多少?”

商务场景下的报价表达:在商业交易中,我们可能会说 "We are offering this product at a price of..." 或 "The deal is valued at...". 如,“We are offering this contract at a price of ten thousand dollars.” 意思是“我们提供的这份合同价格为一万美元。”

讨价还价时的表达:如果想询问是否能降低价格,可以用 "Can you do it for...?" 或 "Is there any discount if I buy it for...?" 例如,“Can you do it for two hundred instead of three hundred?” 即请求将价格从三百降到二百。




Title: "Expressing 'How Much Money' in English: A Comprehensive Overview"

In the global language of business and daily communication, English has become a vital tool to express financial transactions and queries accurately. One common scenario we often encounter is how to ask or state the amount of money in English. This article aims to provide a detailed guide on various ways to express "以多少钱" (yǐ duōshao qián) in English.

Firstly, when you want to directly ask about the price of an item, you can say, "How much does this cost?" or "What is the price of this item?" For instance, if you're at a market and you see something you like, you might inquire, "Excuse me, how much does this bag cost?"

Alternatively, for a more formal setting or written correspondence, you could say, "Could you kindly inform me of the monetary value of this product/service?" or "I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the quotation for this item."

To state a specific amount of money, you'd use the currency first followed by the number. In Chinese, "一千元" translates to "one thousand yuan." In English, this becomes "one thousand dollars." The structure generally follows the pattern of “number + currency unit”, e.g., "It costs five hundred dollars," which corresponds to "这个价格是五百块钱" in Chinese.

When discussing sums in a more detailed context, phrases such as "for an amount of," "at a cost of," or "with a price tag of" can be used. For example, "The car is priced at an amount of twenty thousand dollars."

In addition, there's also the colloquial way to ask a friend to lend or borrow money, where you might say, "Can you lend me some money?" or "How much money do you have on you?"

Lastly, expressing offers or negotiations involves different phrasing. You could say, "I'll offer/bid/pay you..." or "Would you accept...?" For instance, "I am willing to pay three hundred dollars for that painting."

In conclusion, mastering the different ways to express "以多少钱" in English not only helps in everyday interactions but also equips you with the necessary skills for international trade, finance, and professional communications. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills to fluently navigate financial conversations in English.


