翻译:《On the Young China》
Introduction: A Vision of a Young China
In my mind's eye, there stands a vision of a Young China! To speak of a nation's youthfulness, let us first consider the youth and elders of its people. The elderly often dwell on the past, while the young are preoccupied with the future. This reflection on the past breeds nostalgia and a desire to preserve; contemplation of the future fosters hope and a spirit of enterprise. Preservation leads to stagnation; progress drives constant renewal.
The Youth's Burden
The wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the nation; their prosperity, the nation's wealth. Their strength makes the country strong; their independence, the nation independent. Their freedom ensures the nation's liberty; their progress, the nation's advancement. Should our youth excel Europe, our nation shall surpass Europe. Should they rise above the world, so shall our nation tower over the globe. Like the rising sun illuminating a grand path, like a river bursting from its underground course into a vast ocean, they soar.
The Call of the Times
Born in this day and age, reflecting on thousands of years of history, we realize that China's great awakening has yet to occur. Thus, our generation's duty is not to cling to past comforts but to transform China, beginning with ourselves. Glorious are our Chinese youths, boundless is our nation's potential!
Inspiring the Future
Therefore, the responsibility of this era rests not with others, but entirely with our youth. Our young are like the dawn, like cubs, like grass before spring, like the source of the Yangtze River—nature's most vibrant beings. So too, today's China depends not on outsiders, but on our youth. Their wisdom, prosperity, freedom, and progress are that of the nation. May our Chinese youth cast off apathy, forever reaching upward, ignoring the whispers of self-defeat. Those who can act, act; those who can speak out, do so. Each with their own light, however small, like fireflies in darkness, they illuminate, needing no torch to guide them.
"The responsibility of today does not lie with others, but entirely with our youth." Liang Qichao opens with the assertion that the future of the nation does not depend on external forces, but rests in the hands of the young generation. Against the backdrop of historical upheavals, he emphasizes that China stands at a crucial juncture of transformation and urgently requires the awakening and struggle of a new generation.
"It is not the call of others, but the time itself that beckons to our youth." He vividly paints the picture of an era that desperately needs its young to rise, highlighting their pivotal role in shaping the destiny of the nation.
Describing the ideal traits of these youths, he writes, "As the rising sun illuminates a grand path, so should our youth burst forth with vitality and potential, their minds as deep as rivers emerging from hidden currents, their spirits unbridled like a mighty stream cascading into the ocean."
Liang posits that the fate of "Young China" – symbolizing both the young generation and a vibrant, aspirational new China – are intertwined. The growth and development of the youth directly impact the prosperity or decline of the nation.
In a stirring conclusion, he implores, "Beautiful indeed is our youthful China, eternal as heaven! Mighty indeed are our Chinese youths, boundless as our land!" His heartfelt encouragement urges China's youth to bravely shoulder the historical mission, striving relentlessly for a China that shines anew on the world stage, achieving the great rejuvenation of the nation.
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